

Obesity - Factors Causing Overweight

The Causes Of Obesity Are:

  1. When a person consumes more calories than he burns then the excess calories get stored in the form of fat causing obesity.
  2. Genetic Factors - Obesity tends to run in and their tendency to accumulate fat. Even the diet and lifestyle habits which are practiced in family also contribute to obesity.
  3. Environment - A person’s eating habits and level of physical activities a person has also contribute for excess deposition of fat. When a person eats food containing more calories and has a sedentary work then the calories consumed are more than calories burnt. The excess amount calories are stored as fat.
  4. Psychological Disturbances - There is a tendency over eat in response to negative emotions like boredom, sadness or anger. This leads to obesity.
  5. Binge eating disorder.
  6. Diseases and Conditions - like Cushing's syndrome, Depression, and certain neurological problems lead to overeating which in turn leads to accumulation of fat.
  7. Medicines - such as steroids and antidepressants may cause weight gain.

Insulin stimulates LPL formation. The LPL breaks the circulating to free fatty acids which can enter the adipocyte. Insulin is also required for the transport of glucose, which is needed for conversion of free fatty acids to tryglycerides in adipocytes. The conversion of glucose to fatty acids is accomplished by insulin's activity on several enzymes.

The causes of obesity are very clearly explained in Ayurveda. The following reasons which are mentioned in Ayurveda increases the deposition of fat in one's body.

According to Ayurveda the causes of obesity are defined as

  1. Avyayama : Lack of physical exercise.
  2. Divaswapna : Sleeping in afternoon.
  3. Shleshmala Ahara Vihara : The diet and life styles increase Kapha.
  4. Madhura Annaha : Consuming.

Obesity - Accumulation of Fat
How Does Fat Accumulate Inside One's Body.? Adipose tissue is specialized connective tissue that functions as the major storage site for fat in the form of triglycerides.

There Are Two Different Types of Adipose Tissues, namely

  1. White adipose tissue
  2. Brown adipose tissue

Most Adipose Tissue is White. White Adipose Tissue Does Three Functions, namely

  1. Heat insulation.
  2. Mechanical cushion (adipose tissue also surrounds internal organs and provides protection for these organs).
  3. A source of energy.

The adipose tissue which is directly below the skin (subcutaneous adipose tissue) specially acts as the heat insulator of the body. It conducts heat only one third compared to other tissues. The degree of insulation is dependent upon the thickness of this fat layer.

Lipogenesis is the deposition of fat. This process occurs in adipose tissue and in the liver.

Insulin, a hormone secreted by the cells of the pancreas, plays an important role in the lipogenic process. The net effect of insulin is to

  1. Increase storage
  2. Block mobilization and oxidation of fatty acids

Obesity Leads To The Following Health Complications

  1. Type - 2 diabetes
  2. Heart disease
  3. High Blood pressure
  4. Stroke
  5. Few types of Cancers
  6. Gall stones
  7. Liver diseases
  8. Osteoarthritis
  9. Gout
  10. Infertility
  11. Irregular menstruation in women

According To Ayurveda An Obese Individual Is More Prone To The Following Health Disorders

  1. Diabetes
  2. Kidney related problems
  3. Hepatitis
  4. Low libido
  5. Low energy levels
  6. Skin problems
  7. Fistula
  8. Piles
  9. Filariasis

Obesity - Maintain Your Waist Line And Reduce Obesity


  1. 1)Start morning walk, slowly increase up to 1 hr 30 minutes.
  2. 2) Drink water, minimum 2.5L per day.
  3. 3) No sweets.
  4. 4) Start green tea or black lemon tea.
  5. 5) Avoid bakery food, oil fried food, ice cream and etc.
  6. 6) No rice or rice item at nights.
  7. 7) Use more green vegetable.



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